The Day the Whole World Turns Irish – Lucky Clover!

Maybe it is just my family.  But somehow, St. Patrick’s Day is actually a big deal around here.  We send cards and make calls to family members who aren’t in touch regularly – almost a mini-Christmassy situation.  But without the crimson red décor… This year is no different – except that the new Stampin’ Up! READ MORE

A few days late…but how can you NOT keep creating with those Adorable Owls?

I know…Sale-a-bration is gone.  But how many of us still await our final order from a week or so ago and just KNOW that there may be a parliament of Adorable Owls in that box? Yes.  That’s right.  Several owls are not a flock, or a bunch, or a group.  They are a parliament.  Whooo READ MORE

A Triangle Corner Card for Your Favorite Sailor

I am frequently looking for cards for men – and there are not as many as I would like.  But many of the coastal and sailboat images work for a lot of men – even if they are not particularly keen on boating or fishing.  I mean, who does not love the coast line and READ MORE

Some Two-Tone Floral Self-Care in a One-Sheet-Wonder

Whenever I am feeling a bit stressed, or rushed, or whatever, I look to do something that is free form…like a One-Sheet Wonder.  I love doing this type of stamping and experimenting with color and design without any particular end goal.  And when I received the new, beautiful Two-Tone Floral Stamp Set, I knew that READ MORE

A Unique Trifold Card

Do you have trouble cutting up beautiful Designer Series Papers?  Yup.  Me too.  I hate sacrificing one gorgeous paper because it is the back side of the paper that I want to use.  But aha!!!  Here I am to rescue you from this persistent dilemma!! This beautiful Trifold Card lets you feature both sides of READ MORE

A Total Eclipse of Painted Poppies

One of the coolest, if subtle, effects is the eclipse card.  Essentially this classic fancy fold takes a design, cuts out a section of it, and pops it up with Dimensionals so that the recipient can see a bit under the cut out. In this case, I have also “framed” the eclipse feature with a READ MORE

It’s time to think about our supply of Birthday cards – with Dainty Flowers DSP

I may have mentioned that one of my resolutions for this year is to get my own card sending under control.  Long ago, I had a card book that had envelopes attached to each month.  The idea was to record birthdays and anniversaries and tuck any cards in that I had purchased in advance.  Well READ MORE

How about a Shaker Valentine with some Country Floral?

I have been on a roll with the Valentine’s theme!  And today is no different! I have been wanting to make a shaker card for a while – and what would delight your Valentine more than a pretty Shaker card telling them how wonderful they are? Even if you have never made a Shaker card READ MORE