A few days late…but how can you NOT keep creating with those Adorable Owls?

I know…Sale-a-bration is gone.  But how many of us still await our final order from a week or so ago and just KNOW that there may be a parliament of Adorable Owls in that box? Yes.  That’s right.  Several owls are not a flock, or a bunch, or a group.  They are a parliament.  Whooo READ MORE

Some Two-Tone Floral Self-Care in a One-Sheet-Wonder

Whenever I am feeling a bit stressed, or rushed, or whatever, I look to do something that is free form…like a One-Sheet Wonder.  I love doing this type of stamping and experimenting with color and design without any particular end goal.  And when I received the new, beautiful Two-Tone Floral Stamp Set, I knew that READ MORE

A Unique Trifold Card

Do you have trouble cutting up beautiful Designer Series Papers?  Yup.  Me too.  I hate sacrificing one gorgeous paper because it is the back side of the paper that I want to use.  But aha!!!  Here I am to rescue you from this persistent dilemma!! This beautiful Trifold Card lets you feature both sides of READ MORE

How about a Shaker Valentine with some Country Floral?

I have been on a roll with the Valentine’s theme!  And today is no different! I have been wanting to make a shaker card for a while – and what would delight your Valentine more than a pretty Shaker card telling them how wonderful they are? Even if you have never made a Shaker card READ MORE

A Dainty Flowers Border Print Easel Design

If you feel like I have already written about this card design, I have!  I love that Stampin’ Up! will include border prints at least once in almost every catalog set of Designer Series Papers.  I wrote this design up on November 9, 2022 with the Rustic Harvest border print.  And now, the Dainty Flowers READ MORE

Dainty Flowers for a Treasured Friend

Stampin’ Up! Sale-a-bration is going on now – or at least as of the time this post was published.  I seldom just love everything in the Sale-a-bration flyer – or even the new mini catalogs.  But both of these are exceptions to my usual rule! Don’t get me wrong:  I come to love a lot READ MORE

Say Happy New Year with a Twist and Pop!

I have always loved these fancy fold cards and recipients really seem to get a kick out of them too!  My family and I spent the Christmas holiday in Las Vegas enjoying all the shows and the beautiful resorts – and celebrated my son’s 30th birthday!  I made one of these cards for his birthday READ MORE

A Cute Thank You Note from a Christmas Scottie

I love to have themed thank you notes when it is about a particular season – and Christmas gift thank you are generally needed in good supply. However, most people are going to get their notes probably longer after the season than I might like.  So, I often feel that a traditional Christmas theme is READ MORE

Sometimes enough is enough with the traditional Christmas colors!

There was a time when I decorated in forest green and Christmas red.  We had a pre-1750 farmhouse in Rhode Island and my husband created the look of a raised panel wall on the loft.  It was gorgeous!  Because of the vintage and the “churchy” look, I used the two Christmas colors for the overall READ MORE